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Emerson College Los Angeles Part-time Faculty union (ELAF), a chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) 


Who is ELAF?

We're a faculty union that protects your rights as a teacher, represents your interests to the administration, and collectively bargains the contract that governs adjunct employment at Emerson College Los Angeles. In 2022, the ELA Faculty union negotiated and ratified its second union contract.  

Contract Overview HERE

Some highlights include:

- Salary increases for ALL faculty

- Annual salary increases of 2-4%

- Improved access to medical/dental benefits

- $1500 Professional development fund

- Two and four semester contracts for senior faculty

- Retirement matching

- Improved protections for an equitable workplace

The union also acts as a liaison to administrators.  When necessary, the union will speak on your behalf. When all else fails, adjunct faculty members have the security provided by legally binding grievance and arbitration procedures.

Current Contract

ELAF Constitution & Bylaws


Current ELAF Executive Board: 
Mason Richards - President 
Eric Vanstrom - Treasurer 
Shana Lloyd - Member at Large
Kelsey Siepser - Member at Large
Jennifer Vandever - Former President


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